Scientific Molding SkillSet™ Series
The Scientific SkillSet™ Series is a unique learning experience that combines detailed, step-by-step online instruction with practical hands-on labs and worksheets. Each course/worksheet combinations focuses on developing processing-related skills that translate directly to troubleshooting, optimizing and documenting any injection molding process.
Scientific SkillSet™ Labs: Intermediate
Our intermediate Scientific SkillSet™ labs provide a unique and valuable learning experience for your setup technicians, processors, and engineers. Only from Routsis Training, these innovative courses combine detailed, step-by-step online instruction with practical hands-on labs and worksheets.
Scientific SkillSet™ Labs: Advanced
Designed for advanced process techs and engineers, our advanced Scientific SkillSet™ courses build on the skills developed in the intermediate labs. In these advanced, hands-on courses, participants learn how to quickly and effectively optimize a scientific injection molding process.
Scientific SkillSet™ Labs: Intermediate (Español)
SkillSet™: Habilidad Intermedia
El conjunto de habilidades™ Serie Científica es una experiencia de aprendizaje única que combina detallada, paso a paso la instrucción en línea con la práctica en laboratorios prácticos y hojas de trabajo.
Scientific SkillSet™ Labs: Advanced (Español)
SkillSet™: Habilidad Advanza
El conjunto de habilidades™ Serie Científica es una experiencia de aprendizaje única que combina detallada, paso a paso la instrucción en línea con la práctica en laboratorios prácticos y hojas de trabajo.